360-Degree Leadership
This training installment will consist of reviewing the principles of “360-Degree Leadership” by diving into the concept that leaders have an enormous impact on all of the people that they work with above, beside, and below. This training class will explore how middle-management leaders can influence, motivate, and inspire those around them through the “360-Degree” process and how the benefits of applying these principles positively affect all members of the team.
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This workshop will review how to conduct accountability conversations with your employees regarding their performance while providing respect, guidance, and sincerity. The information being reviewed in this workshop will provide a clearer understanding of what accountability truly is and a simple process in which leaders can use when building accountability with their employees. The process creates a deeper connection between leaders and employees to allow for honesty, integrity, and clarity in your employee’s development.
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This workshop will review how to apply the “WHALE DONE” Coaching Process to performance conversations. The “WHALE DONE” Process is based upon the training materials by best-selling author, Ken Blanchard. This Process focuses on how to effectively build trust and honesty with employees when providing coaching feedback on their performance. The result is happier employees that feel respected, appreciated, and trust their supervisors.
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This class will provide you with the easy-to-follow steps of building effective teams based on the principles and "Laws" of team building. During this class, attendees will learn each of the "Laws" that leaders must understand and apply to truly understand how each principle impacts the team of individuals so that they will work together effectively.
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This educational class will be focusing on the impact that Ego-driven drama has on the workplace and will teach leaders how to recognize the signs of an employee in the midst of an Ego-driven challenge. In addition, this class with provide leaders with the simple tools and techniques to engage employees in the midst of an Ego-driven moment back into reality to see the facts and reality of the situation to overcome successfully. During this class, attendees will learn how to easily bypass the natural reactions of the Ego and how it affects peoples’ behaviors.
Call Today for pricing information.
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(740) 289 - 2371

Meet the Instructors
Adam is the Business Resource Network Assistant (BRN) for the Workforce & Business Development Program at the Community Action Committee of Pike County. In addition to supporting local businesses in solutions to challenges and barriers, he works closely with Lisa Pfeifer and Erica Jones on building the Leadership Development Training Series that launched in the Workforce & Business Development Program in 2021 and is the key instructor in the training sessions.
Adam has personal experience with utilizing the principles and practices of team building throughout his 20-year career history in management and leadership with corporate retail chains in the Ross County area. In addition, he is experienced in marketing and advertising, event organization, and has an Adult Education Teaching Permit from the State of Ohio Department of Education. He is a certified Development Coach through the KEW Academy.

Erica is the Business Resource Network (BRN) and OMJ Supervisor provides support to area businesses, gathering information about their needs, and then connects them to resources and incentives gathered from a network of BRN partners. Erica has an Associate’s Degree from Shawnee State University and is the OhioMeansJobs (OMJ) Pike County Career Center Supervisor. Erica’s BRN and OMJ experience has provided excellent networking opportunities and a very close, intimate connection to Pike County area businesses.
Erica assists in coordinating and planning business events such as the Career Fairs and Business Summit. She also manages the CAC FREE Income Tax Preparation and Financial Literacy Programs, she has an Adult Education Teaching Permit from the State of Ohio Department of Education, and is also the lead instructor for the Program’s Microsoft Excel Classes and Financial Literacy Classes.