The Workforce & Business Development Program (W&B) provides all services under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) as well as assists area small businesses by providing business development services. The Transitions Program utilizes special grant funding specifically to help those impacted by the opioid epidemic.
Career planning services are provided for clients in Pike County who are unemployed or underemployed and have been impacted by the Opioid epidemic or substance use disorders. Work provides a place of empowerment, a place of purpose, and the ability to meet their own needs.
The Transitions Program's goal is to help build resilience in our community by targeting those in recovery, out of recovery or those impacted by an individual who battles addiction.
Our Focus for every individual is to help them with more than just obtaining a job or returning to education. Our goal is to help them uncover personal and work-related strengths through confidential case management and collaborations with the agencies they are already using in our community. We focus with them on the small steps as they become work or training ready.
Through our work experience program, we offer local businesses the ability to make an impact on the lives of those in our community who are building a new future for themselves.
Dedicated Transitions Employment Specialists work closely with Work Site Managers to assist in providing the on-the-job training and development that benefits both the client and the business.
For Businesses, the Transitions Program provides the wages and liability overage necessary for the clients to gain skills and work experience through your mentorship and business environment.
Understanding, Compassion, Guidance, and Committment are the basis of the Transitions Program Team. The case managers and peer supporters provide individual support and guidance for each person along the recovery process. When you're enrolled into this Program, you will receive the compassion, committment, and dedication needed to support you along your journey of rebuilding your future.

Is Here To Help You With...
Career Planning
Case Management
Educational Tools
Supportive services
Peer recovery support